(en)Visionography Contest and Printed Book – Black and White Fine Art Photography
UPDATE Nov 9th:
(en)Visionography Book – Special Issue Black and White Fine Art – NOW LAUNCHED!!!
You can get your digital copy from this link and also order a printed version (I just ordered mine).
This special issue designed and published by Camerapixo magazine is a fine art book comprising the best work of the members of the group (en)Visionography – The New Fine Art Photography, a group creating the new wave of black and white fine art photography. I created the name (en)Visionography, and I’m analyzing it more in my book From Basics to Fine Art to differentiate my work from traditional photography, since what I do is a kind of art based more on vision than on what I capture in the camera – thus (en)Visionography. But this way of creating covers the process many other fine art photographers go through and this is what we all want to show with this publication – the power and magic of (en)Visionography as a new way of making photography. This is the photography of our dreams, this is our inner self, recreated in images. You can read the Manifest of (en)Visionography in this issue.
I hope you will all like it and I hope tomorrow there will be many more (en)Visionographers that will create the way we do. And I hope this publication will be a springboard for many talented artists that will be able to get their name and work out there.
Many thanks to all of you who participated in the #envisionographycontest . This is how we chose the images published: 100 of the best photographs among hundreds of entries. The work published in this issue is of the highest quality and was chosen carefully by a jury composed by Julia Anna Gospodarou (myself) Joel Tjintjelaar (one of the best contemporary fine art photographers), Anetta G. Heller & Artur J. Heller who designed and published this issue through Camerapixo (one of most popular photography magazines). Anetta & Artur have also designed the book From Basics to Fine Art and, as you will see in the book and this publication, they are extremely talented and great professionals. Many thanks to everyone who made this publication possible.
We are writing history here and I’m very happy to be a part of it.
Enjoy the read and spread the word about (en)Visionography!
(en)Visionography black and white Fine Art Photography Contest
UPDATE Oct 29th, 2014: The first (en)Visionography Fine Art Special Edition Photography Book, exhibiting the black and white fine art work of the group (en)Visionography – The New Fine Art Photography is now a reality and will be released on:
November 9th, 2014
The images that won the First, Second and Third Prize in the (en)Visionography Contest™, as well as other almost 100 winning fine art works created by the members of the group will see the light of day in a digital and printed publication designed and published by Camerapixo. The images that will be published were carefully chosen among hundreds of submitted images, by a jury composed of Julia Anna Gospodarou (yours truly), Joel Tjintjelaar, Anetta G. Heller and Artur J. Heller.
As host and moderator of the group, I’d like to warmly thank everyone for participating to the contest and for sharing with us your Vision and images, and I want to wish you all big successes with your photography in the future.
(Original post)
Proud to present the new (en)Visionography Contest I’m organizing together with Camerapixo only for the members of the group (en)Visionography – The New Black and White Fine Art Photography. To participate you have to be a member of the group. Join us here https://www.facebook.com/groups/envisionography/
The winners will have the opportunity to have their work published in the internationally acclaimed magazine Camerapixo that has a reach of more than 200.000 readers. There will be a special issue of the magazine dedicated to the group and it will comprise the best work published here. In addition, me and Joel Tjintjelaar, we will personally offer 3 FREE copies of our book From Basics to Fine Art – Black and White Photography to 3 winners.
All you have to do is post great photography on the group and we will do the rest to give
you exposure and a book that was compared by many to the books of Ansel Adams (not my words, what critics say).
Thank you, Artur and Anetta Heller for this fantastic offer, you show once more that you love photography and photographers.
And now let me tell you more details about how the context will unfold.
– 3 Winners will receive a FREE copy of the book From Basics to Fine Art – Black and White Photography by me and Joel Tjintjelaar.
– 80 Winners will have their image published in a special issue of Camerapixo Magazine, an issue dedicated to the group and concept (en)Visionography – The New Fine Art Photography and to the work exhibited here, which is among the best black and white fine art you can find. Also, for all the winners Camerapixo will create a Basic Profile on the site.
The contest starts today Sunday, September 22, 2014, at midnight CET (Central European Time) and will be open for a week, ending on Sunday, September 28 at midnight CET. Seven full days to submit your best image and win a prize.
Very soon after the contest is over we will choose the winning images and announce the winners on this space and on the group too, both for the Camerapixo Magazine publication as well as for winning the free copies of the book.
The jury will be composed by myself, Joel Tjintjelaar and Camerapixo Magazine through Anetta G. Heller and Artur J. Heller.
The magazine will be available soon in digital version and also available by request in the printed version. We will give more details about this over the next period of time. All the details will be added to this blog post so you can always come here to see what is new.
1/ To participate, you have to be a member of the group (en)Visionography – The New Fine Art Photography on Facebook – a group for the best black and white fine art photography, where we promote the photography based on vision and personal intention, the photography whose reason of existence is to express our inner world through the subjects we choose, through the way we capture them and also through the processing we apply to the images. Here are more details about what (en)Visionography means and what is its aim www.envisionography.com. A complete definition and analysis can be found in the book From Basics to Fine Art mentioned above.
2/ To submit your work to the contest you have to upload one or two black and white fine art photographs to the group and write in your post a few words about your vision behind the creation of the image you submitted: what you intended to convey, what was in your mind, what was the intention or the story of the image and what it triggered in you that gave you the impulse to create it the way you did. Anything you think you can add to present your image, feel free to do it. IMPORTANT Note: The vision description request is an important one since VISION is the essence of this group and we will only consider images that have this description also and not simple photo submissions.
3/ Tag your submission with the tag #envisionographycontest so we can find the images submitted and choose the winners. Very important otherwise the images can be lost among other images posted in the group and you could miss the chance to win.
4/ You can submit up to 2 images, either new images or images that you have already posted in the group. Not more than 2 images, please. We may also choose from the photos that were already posted on the group if we think they have a place in the publication.
5/ Submit only your best work. An obvious requirement, but I am emphasizing it because we intend to comprise in this issue the best black and white fine art work, the best (en)Visionography. As I’m saying in the description of the group, we want to see your”Mona Lisa”s.
6/ Submit only black and white images. Toned images, sepia, selective color etc will not be taken into consideration. Only classic black and white tones.
7/ Please submit your images directly to the group and do not submit links. Links are difficult to manage and the connection might break so you may lose your submission. We will consider only photographs directly uploaded to the group.
8/ There is no limitation in size for the images. Just submit as you always do and we will get in touch with the winners so they can send us higher resolution images suited for publication in the magazine, in the digital or printed version.
If you need more details, feel free to ask!
Thank you and good luck!
UPDATE October 7th, 2014
First, I want to thank you again for submitting your work to the contest, we had more than 230 entries in a week, which is so great considering that the group was only a few days old when the contest started. The submitted images are most of them of high quality and they show a vision, an idea, a story behind the photograph, which was the goal of this contest and of the group itself. Thank you for sharing your vision with us, it was very helpful in order for us to understand the image better. The submitted genres cover a quite wide range – don’t worry, you will not see only architectural images among the winners, we love all good photography, even if I admit, half the jury has a special passion for architecture.
We finished deliberating and we chose the winners of the contest: for the 3 free copies of the book From Basics to Fine Art and the images that will be published in Camerapixo special issue dedicated to (en)Visionography.
Let me present you:
of the first
Black and White Fine Art (en)Visionography Contest
Winners of a free copy of the book From Basics to Fne Art – Black and White photography, by Julia Anna Gospodarou and Joel Tjintjelaar.
(you can see a BOOK PREVIEW here)
with the image https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=857949350891350&set=gm.294099900792947&type=1
with the image https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=287096121481517&set=gm.293731017496502&type=1
with the image https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=820038291382016&set=gm.291362911066646&type=1
We will get in touch with the winners of the first 3 prizes to send you the free copy of the book. We hope you will like it.
All the following images, plus the 3 prizes already mentioned will be published in the special issue of Camerapixo, dedicated to (en)Visionography – The New Fine Art Photography.
In addition, Editor’s Choice and awards will follow, as well as highlighted images and other surprises.
The magazine will be a digital publication with the possibility to be ordered in print too. We’ll get back to you with details on all these extras.
Congratulations to you all, your work was fantastic and a pleasure to watch. As you will see we decided to increase the number of the published images so we can give a chance for exposure to more photographers since the images received were so good. Camerapixo reaches more than 200.000 readers internationally so this will be a very good exposure. The images that didn’t make it was very close and the artists shouldn’t be sad, their work is great too.
Also, some images (even if beautiful) couldn’t be considered because they weren’t covering the rules of the contest (vision description, pure black and white, submitted during the contest period).
Requested for published images:
All the winners (1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes and everyone who sees his name and image in the list below) will have to send the following content to the email below so the image can be published in the magazine.
Email: artur.heller@hellerpublications.com
– winning image: size – 2000px on the long edge, sRGB, jpeg, 240dpi
– clean photos without any watermarks or logos
– image name
– vision description for winning image
– photographer’s full name and last name
– photographer’s website or social network url
– self-portrait, 240dpi 840x660px wide horizontal; (not some art avatars, but real self-portrait)
– city and country of residence;
– type of photography photographer specializes in
All photographers will also get free profile on Camerapixo.com website. That’s why we need the additional information.
1/ Akira Takaue
2/ Dermot Russell
3/ Franklin Neto
4/ Arnd Gottschalk
5/ Charlie Joe
6/ Dennis Ramos
7/ Sandra Sachsenhauser
8/ Giancarlo Barberini
9/ Malika Farman
10/ Sam Kranz
11/ Swee Oh
12/ Yusup Yogaswara
13/ Michael Acosta
14/ Janice Nelson
15/ Milad Safabakhsh
16/ Antonio Gouveia
17/ Andy Bitterer
18/ Baber Afzal
19/ Les Forrester
20/ Carmen Spitznagel
21/ Markus Pfeffer
22/ Hengki Lee
23/ Henk Bijl
24/ Hidetaka Onoyama
25/ Ivana Stojakovic
26/ Kerstin Arnemann
27/ Klaus-Peter Kubik
28/ Karine Kergroac’h
29/ Paul Hamilton
30/ Phi GunBln
31/ Sandra Canning
32/ Simos Xenakis
33/ Suzanne Trower
34/ Bruno Blais
35/ Yoshihiko Wada
36/ Roberto Pavic
37/ Noel Baldewijns
38/ Michael de Guzman
39/ Jayanta Roy
40/ Jarek Stefanowicz
41/ Philip Whittaker
42/ Ross Nicholson
43/ Steven Fudge
44/ Gerard Diepeveen
45/ Hugo Borges
46/ Tasos Anestis
47/ Michael Levesque
48/ Vangelis Mc Ris
49/ Ian Good
50/ Gittan Beheydt
51.François Martin
52.Michelle Foo
53 Darren Kelland
54/ Dragos Ioneanu
55/ Hugo Black
57/ Zoya Gregory
58/ Lawrence del Mundo
59/ Tuan Nguyen
60/ Mihai Florea
61/ Solonas Malkas
62/ Judass Priest
63/ Waheed Akhtar
64/ .Daniel Tjongari
65/ .Felix Inden
66/ Neil Hulme
67/ Barry Walsh
68/ Thibault Roland
69/ Athreya HD
70/ Brian Dukes
71/ Aitor Mata Conde
72/ Andrea Panta
73/ Anna Laudan
74/ Aggelos Konstantinidis
75/ Cesar Lopez Seoane
76/ Deepak Ghosh
77/ Walter Luttenberger
78/ Nalla Roberob
79/ Thierry Kergroac’h
80/ Sid Liateni II
81/ Andi A Halil
82/ Polgár Ádám
83/ Markus Landsmann
84/ Stefanos Kastrinakis
85/ Alexander OfoZ
86/ Bruce Girdwood
87/ Elaine Butler
88/ Lubomir Letko
89/ Peter Henry
90/ Johann Fluks Pourcelot
91/ Michael Muraz
91/ Satoru Murata
92/ Souvik Chakraborty
93/ Stéphane Runde
94/ Steve White
95/ Thierry Vanhuysse
96/ Spyridon Fon Chaniotis
97/ William Cornies
98/ Lucian Olteanu
99/ Leon Tan
100/ Wayne Elliott
101/ Mike Prince
102/ Øyvind Vigdal
103/ Ar Reef
Congratulations to all and we can’t wait to see these images published. Also we hope the winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will like the book written by two members of your jury.
Your jury,
Julia, Joel, Anetta & Artur
Find more resources about fine art black and white photography, (en)Visionography, long exposure photography and architecture photography in Julia Anna Gospodarou’s extensive collection of photography tutorials. To receive free future tutorials, you can subscribe here.
Learn more about how to create fine art photography, architectural photography, long exposure, etc. from conception to advanced processing in Julia’s video courses Understanding Fine Art Architectural Photography – The Complete Course, From Vision to Final Image – Mastering Black and White Photography Processing, in the video tutorial Long Exposure, Architecture, Fine Art Photography – Creating (en)Visionography, and the book From Basics to Fine Art – Black and White Photography, or by attending one of her highly appreciated workshops.
Find Julia’s recommendation for the best software and gear to create fine art photography and curated deals and discounts for these tools.
To study with Julia Anna Gospodarou personally, find out about our
Support our mission for high quality photography education. Donate now!
We believe in knowledge, education, and the freedom of spirit that creates great art. We believe in art and artists.
Please donate to help us continue sharing free high quality photography education and inspiration.
For more than one and a half decades, we have been sharing free content on fine art photography, black and white photography, architecture photography, long exposure photography, as well as our original concepts of “(en)Visionography” and “Photography Drawing”.
Thousands of photographers started their journey in fine art photography here and found inspiration and practical resources that empowered them. Many have won awards for their work and are making a career in photography based on knowledge acquired from our free tutorials, books, courses, and workshops.
This makes us incredibly proud of our work.
To empower even more photographers to reach their dreams, we want to keep this resource free forever so every new or advanced photographer can have access to knowledge, quality photography education, and inspiration.
To help us in our efforts, please consider becoming a patron of this cause with your recurring donations.
You will be part of a generous effort by other exquisite art and photography-loving patrons, and you can be proud of being a supporter of art and artists like the famous Maecenas of the past. Art and artists need your support, as always in the history of art and photography.
Thank you!
Julia Anna Gospodarou – Founder – (en)Visionographer
Founder of (en)Visionography™ and creator of Photography Drawing™, internationally acclaimed fine art photographer, Master architect, educator, and best-selling author, with 25+ years experience in photography and architecture, Julia Anna Gospodarou is a leader in modern fine art photography who shaped with her work the way architecture fine art photography looks today.
Awarded more than 100 times in the most important photography competitions worldwide, two-time International Photography Awards IPA Photographer of the Year, World Photography Awards SWPA, and Hasselblad Masters Finalist, her work was widely exhibited and published internationally.
With a passion for the world’s civilizations and speaking five languages, Julia was always in the avant-garde of thinking as an architect and a photographer, constantly pushing the limits of what is possible, constantly reinventing herself as an artist and an individual. Her huge love for travel and discoveries and her passion for teaching, art, and photography led her to become in the past one and a half decades one of the world’s top-rated fine art photography educators and workshop organizers.
Congrats to all winners and thank you Julia, Joel and other jury members for their efforts. Much appreciated.
Thank you for participating, Waheed and congrats to you too. I can’t wait to see this fantastic collection of (en)Visionography ready and published.