Complete Guide to Intentional camera movement


  1. Julia Anna,

    Thank you very much for that tutorial. This is something that I have been experimenting with after finding myself intrigued by some “mistakes” in the past. I appreciate your continued communication and tutorials. I always learn something of value. Have you tryed using a five or more second interval for four or five minutes and stiching the shots together in Photoshop for a long exposure effect. You can still keep some of the moving elements sharp with some masking.

    1. Thank you Jerome. Glad you enjoyed the tutorial. One can discover very interesting “mistakes” when doing ICM. Probably this is how it became an art. I’ve done some experimentation with stacked exposures taken at different intervals and you can have impressible results. I haven’t worked a lot with this technique but it is something to explore. I find fascinating all the techniques that play with time, as you can always introduce an element of surprise that transforms an image from a conventional one into something surprising.

    2. I am shocked and surprised at the generosity and depth of your articles here thank you so much for your articles especially the icm stuff so so inspirational love the Manhattan skyline
      Brilliant I have Ibooked this article I hope you don’t mind I am so full of inspiration esp, after reading your take on Impressionism I am now a huge fan thanks again Doug

      1. Hi Doug. Thank you for your kind comment and I’m happy you found the articles inspirational and useful. I believe that looking at painting and how the creative process works for painters and other artists can be a great source of inspiration for photographers too.

  2. Jay Gould says:

    Dear Julia, As always you are a premier instructor and an amazing artist. Cheers, Jay

  3. Robert carey says:

    Glad to see your moving on from you anger over others copying you envisionography as theirs. Be Picasso! I have found that folks that look at these “movement” images like to see something not blurred enough to recognize. Perhaps more like the circular movement on the tree rather then the blurred hills. I look forward to developments.

    1. Hi Robert. Thanks. I’m not angry anymore because I have too many other things to do and because that person stopped, at least for now and hopefully for good. It seems making the issue public gave him something to think about.
      As for the choice of movement in ICM, I think it has a lot to do with each subject and case. I’m always trying different movements when shooting a subject to see which one gives me results closer to my vision, or which one gives me the most interesting surprise. The tree had a lot a detail in the center so that draw me towards the circular movement with stable center. The hills were rolling like a wave and that’s why I went for the horizontal movement and the blue color.
      Thanks and I’ll try to be Picasso :)

  4. Thierry Kergroac'h says:

    Dear Julia,
    … This is the object of my current research, which I seek to develop in order to find my own style and I still appreciate your vision and tutorial on the subject, really! Thanks a lot.
    In ICM, image stacking is an interesting track.

    1. Hi Thierry,
      Happy to hear the timing of the article was so good. Looking forward to seeing your ICM work and yes, image stacking or multiple exposures are interesting to explore in combination with ICM.

  5. Robert Carey says:

    Hi again, I occurred to me that I have some images done after listening to talk by Jullianne Kost of Adobe systems. At that time she had her boy friend drive her around so she could shoot from the window using the vehicles speed and turning her camera. I looked at her Behance site and find some examples. I think she would be a good person to be in the ICM community with you. Tell me how to share my few images with you.

    1. Hi Bob,
      Thanks for the link to Julianna Kost. I know her from her tutorials but I didn’t know she was doing ICM. Very interesting images especially with the trees. I think trees are one of the best subjects for ICM, together with seascapes. You can leave a link to the images you want to share here in the comments. I’d like to see them. Thanks.

  6. Dear Magister
    As always an interesting and intriguing article. All to experiment.

    1. Grazie Osvaldo. I’m happy you found it interesting and looking forward to seeing the experiments. Have a good Sunday.

  7. Rebecca M Blanco says:

    Thanks Julia for introducing me to this technique! I am definitely experimenting with ICM. I am drawn to the abstraction and the messiness, still can carry through an architectural essence.

    1. Glad to hear that Rebecca. ICM is very inspiring and you can practically create anything with this technique. It is so free and without constraints. Hope you’re doing fine. Thanks.

  8. Terrific article Julia. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of this technique. One problem I have found however is that the images for George Surat, Van Gogh and under the Tips and tricks 1 and 3 are not displaying: they just show a grouping of little squares modulating in size. This is on an older iPad running iOS 9.3.5. The images display fine on a newer iPhone running the latest iOS so you may want to check if the image plugin you use has incompatibilities with older devices.

    1. Ignore the last comment. For some reason after leaving the comment the page refreshed and the images displayed! Very odd as I had previously tried refreshing the page multiple times and the images still did not display at that stage.

      1. Thanks very much Peter. I’m glad you enjoyed the article and you were able to see the images eventually. Maybe there was some cache issue not allowing the refresh of the page.

  9. Stephanie Quinn says:

    Thank for this. I’ve been taking photos for about 10 years and have come to a stand still. Just about everything has been photographed. I happened on ICM from a freind and loved her work. I havent been able to find much on this technique. I searched and here you are. Thank you so much. Looking forward to veiwing more of your tutorials.

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