Julia Anna Gospodarou - IPA 2016 Photographer of the Year Architecture Professionals International Photography Awards


  1. Congratulations!! You deserve it! Your work is amazing and beautiful. I hope to be able to attend one of your workshops soon. Ever think of coming to Denver?

    1. Thank you Trent! Would be my pleasure to welcome you to one of my workshops. Denver is a great location. I’ll be thinking about coming there.

  2. Paul Kettle says:

    Congratulations Julia Anna, the award is well deserved. I love your stunning work!


  3. Barbara Michalowska says:

    Congratulations!! Wonderful images.


    Well deserved! Love your work.

  5. Well deserved Julia Anna, especially since you spend so much of your time and creative energy on your students and their work. Rather than work in isolation, you gather your pupils into your vision and take them along with you as you soar. I am proud and flattered to be one of your alumni and am always amazed at your prompt, polite and encouraging comments of anything I send you. I will be thinking great thoughts on 10/23.

    1. Thanks a lot Matt. I’m always happy to share what I know because I think beautiful things have to be shared. That’s how they stay alive. So much appreciated your support.

  6. Robert Irvine says:

    Congratulations Julia, A well deserved award not only for your outstanding vision, but your willingness to share what you know with others.

  7. Thierry Kergroac'h says:

    Des récompenses bien méritées, toutes mes félicitations !

  8. Ë il premio non soltanto ad una fotografa eccezzionale ma alla sua anima fotografica e a quello che trasmette della sua visione. Sono ansioso ed orgoglioso di partecipare al suo workshop di Parigi.

  9. Sharon Thomas says:

    Congrats, Julia Anna….well deserved honor!

  10. Evan Pavlidis says:

    Congratulations Julia…well done, your work is truly inspirational and it goes to show that we should jump outside our square and go that little bit extra. Any chance you will have any workshops in Melbourne?

    Cheers, Evan

    1. Thanks very much Evan. It’s much appreciated. I don’t have Melbourne in my workshop schedule for the immediate future, but it’s very possible to come there in the future. Cheers!

  11. Congratulations to you Julia. I find your photographs incredibly inspirational and a bar so high to strive for. Your blog is terrific and has helped me a lot, you are very genorous with your knowledge. I definitely hope to take a workshop soon with you in North America.
    Toronto Ontario Canada

    1. Hi Lance. Thanks so much for your good words. They humble me. Would be great to meet you at one of my workshops and I’ll be back in the US soon. All the best.

  12. Paul Carpenedo says:

    Congratulation Julia Anna, you are a very great artist!

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