Ansel Adams - Visualization versus Vision - Monolith


  1. Dale Kirk says:

    Dear Julia,
    I feel when the student it ready, the teacher appears….I recently purchased yours and Joel’s From Basics to Fine Art. I have also recently ready and article by Cole Thompson on, How I Found My Vision he had written a few years ago and we have corresponding a few times with his passion for the necessity of uncovering our vision and identifying ourselves as an artist, not a photographer.

    I am ready to move forward and find my vision to create images that make me happy and not worry about what others think, I need to learn to stop and think before I press the shutter. As Steve Covey describes in the 7 Habits of Successful People is “To Begin With The End In Mind”
    Thank You,
    Dale Kirk

    1. Hi Dale.
      Thanks for purchasing the book and I hope you liked it.
      I agree with you, we can only see things when we are ready to see them and open to go through the process. Fine art is first about the artist and about showing his world, so the same subject can look in so many different ways when shot by different photographers because it will show different visions. It’s not easy to find your vision but when you find it you start seeing your work and photography in general with a new eye, with “your eye”.

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