Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture – Workshops and Other Educational Activities
Registering and paying for the Workshop/Tour/Course/Educational Activity – In-person or Online Activities
To secure a place at the Workshop/Course, either an in-person event or an online one, payment must be made in full before the Workshop/Course. Registrations are accepted in the order they are received. Early registration is strongly recommended as there are limited spaces available and they fill out quickly. Full payment is due upon registration. Further info about payments at info@juliaannagospodarou.com . Payment of the Workshop or other Educational Activity constitutes agreement with these terms and conditions.
Workshop/Tour/Course Logistics
If needed, we reserve the right to take one or two students in addition to the workshop limit on any workshop.
We reserve the right to bring any assistant, co-leader etc. to any Workshop/Tour/Course/Activity, or to organize the workshop with a replacement leader in the case of any urgency (sickness/injury/tragic or unforeseen event) that would make my participation in the workshop or event impossible.
Workshop/Tour/Course Cancellation or Modification
The Workshop/Course may be canceled in the unlikely event the minimum number of participants is not met or if reasons beyond our control might create unsafe or undesirable travel conditions for the participants. In such a case, a full refund will be issued. However, the financial liability of Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture shall be limited to the amount paid for the Workshop/Activity only and shall not be extended to cover any other associated travel costs that you may have incurred (e.g. non-refundable air tickets, change fees, visa fees if applicable, clothing, equipment, miscellaneous transportation costs, medical expenses, travel insurance premiums, etc.).
No refunds will be made in case of circumstances arising beyond Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture control.
In case the maximum number of participants for a workshop or tour has not been reached and we need to organize the workshop in a smaller group, there may be an increase in the price for the participants, in order for the workshop or tour to be made possible. The participants are responsible for covering the difference and this needed increase in price is not a sufficient reason to cancel your participation or ask for a refund. This situation hasn’t occurred before, since Julia Anna Gospodarou’s workshops are always sold out, but we mention it in case it may happen in the future, since it is better to have a small increase in the cost instead of canceling a workshop altogether, considering that the final number of participants is only known very close to the actual start of the workshop when the paricipants and organizers have already incurred expenses that may not be recoverable. We always try to keep the costs of a workshop in reasonable limits. So any possible increase will be the minimum necessary and will only be considered if absolutely necessary, after us trying our best to cover the increase ourselves.
Please note that in case you cancel your participation at a workshop and your cancellation has as a result the cancellation of the respective workshop, your deposit/entire fee for that workshop are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another activity.
While we carefully plan all of our itineraries, we cannot guarantee the schedule 100%. All participants must allow for flexibility and changes deemed necessary by the Workshop leader. The organizer has the right to reschedule the workshop, change the routes, program or any other Activity at any time, if considered necessary or in the cases where it is impossible to follow the initial program due to external causes or any other reasons that might obstruct it, either acts of nature, weather conditions, climatic changes, epidemics or other dangerous medical-related situations, geographic, physical, acts of terrorism, governmental restrictions or any force majeure situations whatsoever. Understanding this, you further agree that there will be no discounts or refunds for activities curtailed, rescheduled or otherwise modified by such circumstances, before, during or after the scheduled workshop.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
We REQUIRE that you purchase quality cancellation insurance that will refund you if you have to cancel your trip or participation in an in-person or online activity. By registering and paying for a Workshop/Course you declare that you have valid cancellation insurance and if not, you agree that in case of a cancellation you are willing to lose the fee you paid for the workshop/course that is non-refundable. Not having cancellation insurance is not sufficient reason to ask for a refund and Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture is not responsible for making a refund or covering for your losses.
Travelguard.com and Worldnomads.com are good choices for your insurance or you can compare plans at www.quotewright.com. There are reasonably priced options for travel & cancellation insurance with many companies, so please make sure you have insurance before attending the Workshop.
We are not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies or any unforeseen circumstances, like the participant’s impossibility to attend in case a workshop has to be rescheduled. Please make sure that possible last-minute emergencies are covered by your travel insurance policy. Also, before registering for the Workshop make sure your program is free and you are able to attend. There will be no refunds for changes in plans, regardless of the reason or moment they appear. Make sure you purchase an extended “Cancel for Any Reason Coverage” that covers canceling reasons such as unexpected work or family obligations or even a simple change of mind.
A commitment fee of 30% of the value of the Workshop/Course/Event fee (workshop + any extra options) is NON-REFUNDABLE. This fee covers the preliminary organizing and administrative costs.
Up to 150 days prior to the start of the Workshop/Tour – Refunds will be in full, less the 30% commitment fee from the paid amount (workshop + any extra options). Payment fees (PayPal, card/bank fees) are not refundable as they are not refunded by PayPal/banks etc. These fees can amount to up to 5-6% of the workshop fee.
NO REFUND will be made for cancellations made after the 150-day limit unless you can find a replacement student for your spot who will purchase the spot from you. The Workshop/Course fee CAN NOT be transferred to another Workshop or Course. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Also, in the case of private personal workshops or group workshops/tours covering travel and/or accommodation, the travel and accommodation costs are NON-REFUNDABLE, as these expenses are made immediately after registration.
In the case of a cancellation, the request must be made in writing at info@juliaannagospodarou.com.
Travel & Health Insurance
We REQUIRE that every participant purchase quality travel & health insurance unless you’re already covered by an existing policy, to cover for losses suffered in the event of trip cancellation or interruption, travel delay, loss of baggage and travel documents, baggage delay, medical emergencies and accidental death. We do not assume any obligations or liabilities in connection with travel insurance. It is your responsibility to purchase travel insurance if you determine that you need it and since there are many reasonably-priced options available we recommend that you make travel & cancellation insurance before attending our events.
Adequate Participant Preparation
You will be responsible for reviewing and understanding all pre-Workshop/Activity information; for bringing all equipment, personal items, and appropriate clothing; and for acting in a manner considerate of fellow participants, staff, locations and environments. We reserve the right to cancel any Activity and to accept or reject any person as a participant in any Activity.
Adequate Participant Health
You assume the responsibility to participate in a workshop or tour adequate to your physical abilities and health condition. You are personally responsible for being in sufficiently good health to undertake the activities described in the workshop or tour you choose. By accepting our terms and registering for the workshop or tour, you certify that you do not have any known physical or other health condition or disability that would create a risk for you or other participants during the workshop or will make it difficult or impossible for you to follow the program and activities.
Online Events – Workshops, Courses, Mentoring etc.
Especially in the case of online workshops, courses, mentoring of other activities, the participant is responsible for preparing his participation in the event in advance. The participant acknowledges that they have the adequate tools for participating in an online activity, like adequate Internet connection and bandwidth, computer or laptop provided with a camera and microphone (most computers and laptops these days fulfill these requirements), the needed software installed on their computer, and that they are familiar with its use. When needed, material with instructions will be provided by Julia Anna Gospodarou prior to the online activity. The student is responsible for consulting the material and making sure he is prepared adequately for the activity. Most of the time, this is a simple task that can be accomplished by anyone, provided that the student allows for the time to prepare in advance. Not being able to attend an online workshop, course or any activity due to the lack of any of these tools or because the student does not know how to operate his equipment/software is not sufficient reason to ask for a refund and we are not responsible for offering this refund or any other compensation.
Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture reserves the right to record any workshop/course/presentation delivered online to students/audience and use the material for redistribution. Such material is considered the intellectual property of Julia Anna Gospodarou and it is copyrighted.
Not Included in the Fee
Transportation, transfer fees, airfare, car rental and any other form of paid transport is not included unless otherwise noted in the itinerary; accommodation, unless otherwise noted in the itinerary; activities noted as optional in the itinerary; activities noted as optional in the itinerary; all gratuities, unless otherwise noted in the itinerary; passport and visa expenses; medical expenses and immunizations; baggage/accident/cancellation insurance; personal expenses, such as telephone calls, meals (except as indicated in the itinerary) alcoholic beverages; and any other items not specifically noted as included.
Travel Documentation
Each participant traveling across any international boundary is solely responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documents and immunizations, including any required visas, and for complying with the laws of each country flown from (the departure country), through (any transit country) and into (the destination country). Please understand we cannot provide documentation or proof of attendance for visa requirements. Make sure you can obtain a visa if needed. Valid passports are required for international travel.
Liability Waiver
By attending a Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Workshop, tour, classes (private or group instruction), or other Educational Activity you acknowledge that you are accepting certain risks. You declare that your participation in the Workshop/Tour is entirely voluntary and of your own free will. Your application shall serve as a release of our liability. You assume complete responsibility for all risks by you and your heirs, next of kin, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, and successors now and in the future. You are acknowledging that you are aware that traveling involves some inherent risk of injury, illness, death, loss, or damage to personal property, which may be caused by acts of nature, negligence or actions of others. You understand and willingly accept that a busy metropolitan area or natural setting involves inherent risks and requires your own vigilance and responsibility.
You acknowledge that you have dressed appropriately for an outdoor Workshop/Tour, taking into account the expected weather conditions, and have taken all necessary precautions regarding your clothing, footwear, equipment, accessories, and personal belongings for your participation.
You acknowledge that you are assuming the responsibility to attend an Activity that matches your physical abilities and interests. You are responsible for your own safety at all times. You are personally responsible for being in sufficiently good health to undertake said Activity. By participating in the Workshop or other Activity, you certify that you do not have any physical or other considerations of health that would create a risk for you or other participants, and you have received any necessary medical clearance from your physician to join the Activity. You are the only one in charge of deciding if a location/activity is safe for you to travel to/participate in. You declare that you have been informed that certain parts of the Workshop/Tour/Activity may entail walking in areas without sidewalks, crossing streets, or venturing off well-trodden paths. You further acknowledge that if you choose to venture independently and separate from the organized group, you do so at your own risk. In such cases, you understand that you will no longer be considered a participant in the Activity.
As part of the payment for your participation in our Workshops or any other Activity, you are voluntarily releasing Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture, their employees, agents, representatives, collaborators, or anyone involved thereof, from any claims or legal actions arising from any loss, liability, costs, damage, theft, accident, illness, bodily injury whether mental or physical, death, or other consequences you may experience, known or unknown, directly or indirectly, as a result of your participation in said Activity, and by participating you agree to assume all risks whether known or unknown.
You declare that you have carefully read and comprehended the entirety of this Liability Waiver.
Financial Responsibility
In the event that you should require medical care or treatment for illness or injury sustained as a result of participation in any Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Activity, you agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment; you state as a fact that adequate health insurance is in effect to cover any injury or illness suffered or damage caused while participating in the Activity.
The Student, as Releasor, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall indemnify, hold harmless, protect and defend Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture, as Releasee, from and against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, losses, demands, lawsuits, costs, and expenses, including (but not limited to) attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligence or misconduct of Releasor in connection with participation in the Activity. Should any such claim, demand, or lawsuit arise or be asserted in any way whatsoever related thereto, whether arising under the laws of the United States, or any other state, or under any theory of law or equity, Releasor will indemnify, hold harmless and defend Releasee from any and all costs, expenses, or liability including but not limited to the cost of any settlement or judgment made or rendered against Releasee.
Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture shall not be responsible or liable for any participant who commits an illegal or unlawful act, or the consequences of such an illegal act.
Code of Conduct
By attending a Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Educational Activity you agree to act in a considerate manner toward all group members and with respect for the destination country’s people and customs. There will be no tolerance for any rude, aggressive or inadequate behavior. Any student not conforming to this code will be excluded from the Workshop without a refund, at the sole discretion of Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture.
Safety Compliance Code
By attending a Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Educational Activity you agree to remain with the group during the entire time of the workshop and faithfully follow the rules of the workshop and Julia Anna Gospodarou’s indications related to safety, yours and those around you, also to respect the limitations the organizer requests. These indications and limitations are meant to keep you safe and to minimize the eventuality of an accident or hazardous situation for you or others. Julia Anna Gospodarou’s first concern is your safety and well-being during a workshop or tour, so please, for your interest, follow her indications and do not risk. No photograph is worth risking your safety. Any student not conforming to the safety code and indications, or leaving the group to wander on their own, will be excluded from the Workshop without a refund, at the sole discretion of Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture.
“Leave No Trace” Respecting Nature Commitment
By attending a Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Educational Activity you commit to respecting nature and all types of living creatures and plants (“Leave No Trace” principles). Participants are kindly requested to be mindful of the delicate flora and fauna inhabiting the workshop or tour locations. We ask all participants to commit to a code of respect, refraining from any actions that may disturb or harm the wildlife or plant life during the workshop. This includes not approaching, feeding, or attempting to interact with wildlife in any way that may cause stress or disruption to their natural behaviors. Additionally, participants are encouraged to stay on designated paths and trails to minimize trampling on sensitive vegetation. Our aim is to ensure that our photography workshop leaves no ecological footprint, and we appreciate your cooperation in preserving the beauty and integrity of these natural environments for future generations.
Governing Law
The parties hereby agree that this Agreement is governed by international laws, without reference to rules governing choice of laws. If any dispute arises concerning this Agreement, venue shall be laid exclusively in the state and courts of the state chosen by Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute and the Parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.
In the event that any provision herein contained is deemed to be unenforceable and/or invalid, that the provision shall be severable from the whole of the document and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions and the document as a whole.
Use of Likeness
We reserve the right to take photographs or videos during a Workshop/Activity and to use them for promotional purposes, including, but not limited to: educational, informational, advertising and publicity promoting Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Workshops and educational activities, both in print and electronic media. By attending our Workshops/Activities, the participants agree to allow their photograph, likeness or voice to be used by Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture without compensation to the participant. You grant permission to Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography to reproduce and utilize the photographs and voice recordings in both domestic and international markets. Additionally, you acknowledge that third parties may also use and reproduce these photographs and recordings. By doing so, you release Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography, along with their associated or affiliated entities, including directors, officers, agents, employees, and clients, as well as any appointed advertising agencies and their respective directors, officers, agents, and employees, from any and all future claims arising from such usage.
“Tag along” Policy
During the workshop hours, we cannot accept non-paying personal assistants or accompanying spouses/significant others/friends. In the case you need an assistant or wish to be accompanied by someone else, they will need to register for the workshop as full participants and agree to its terms and conditions, if they will be present in the group, regardless if they are not photographers and do not carry their own camera. This is needed to ensure that we offer all participants the same conditions at the workshop and that everyone enjoys the same level of comfort and follows the same rules. It would be unfair for the participants who leave behind their significant others or assistants if other participants would bring them along. This is also needed to keep the group focused on photography and remain within the group size limits, which are safe for the respective workshop or tour, for outdoor workshops. Your spouse/significant other/assistant/friend can, of course, accompany you for the trip, however, please understand that they will need to find a way to entertain themselves outside the group during the workshop hours. They are welcome to join the group during the after-workshop hours for dinner or other leisure activities.
Course material use and confidentiality clause
Related to our work together and the material provided in the Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Courses and especially the copyrighted ideas and study material, as Julia Anna Gospodarou’s books, her processing workflow methods and tutorials, the content of the assignments and the ideas shared with you during this Course, in general, what I share with you privately and is not public content as blog articles or YouTube videos, please keep this material for personal use and do not distribute it publicly or share it with others online or offline.
Please be aware that a number of concepts and ideas we will be studying during our work together, like (en)Visionography™, Photography Drawing™, PhtD™, Architectural Street Photography™ and other specific concepts we will discuss about, are original concepts and ideas and they are considered copyrighted intellectual property of their author, Julia Anna Gospodarou, and supposed to be used as such. Also, the layout and structure of the Course are subject to the same copyrights and confidentiality agreement between us and are meant for your individual use and not to be shared with thirds or publicly, or redistributed in the same form or modified.
Also, please DO NOT record video with any means, professional or even on phone, without my specific agreement, of our live interactions/lessons/demonstrations, practical or theoretical, either online or offline. The teaching activity is meant to be exclusively in the form of live instruction and not to be recorded for further use or distribution.
Your respecting this confidentiality clause makes it possible for me to freely share with you, without withholding anything, everything I know, and that I have developed in years of study and practice, since I will have the certainty that it will be used for your own growth as an artist and photographer and not to be redistributed.
If any confidential material or information shared during the Course will be redistributed without our explicit agreement given in writing, or if it will be used in teaching similar courses, we reserve the right to take legal action against the infringing party.
Exclusivity clause
For a duration of 3 YEARS from the date they attended a Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture activity, in person or online, students and participants are not allowed to organize, advertise or sell workshops, tours or courses in locations where they attended a workshop with Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture, or containing subjects, ideas, layout structure or material that was included in the workshop/course they attended with Julia Anna Gospodarou. In case of violation of this exclusivity clause, a penalty of $20,000 USD per year/event will be applied from the moment the clause was violated and for as long as it has been violated.
We apply this exclusivity clause because we had unpleasant experiences in the past with students attending a workshop or course and then using the material to sell their own workshops or courses. Doing this is considered a copyright infringement and unfair competition and it is punished by international laws.
By attending any Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Workshop/Tour/Course, you agree with these conditions, liability waiver and confidentiality clause and commit to respecting them, as an official agreement bound by international law, between Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture, the Educator, and you, the Student.
The information provided in the Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Courses, also by me personally through my feedback to the student’s work is based on my personal opinions and teaching methods and cannot be considered a universal photography method that would cover every need a photographer/student might have. I do my best to give the most useful tuition to my students but if my methods don’t bring the results the student hopes for, I cannot be held responsible for this. The learning process has to do with many factors among which the commitment of the student and the time he invests in his learning process, also the desire to become better and how much the photography style I am teaching suits his personal style and if he wants to learn it. Therefore, I cannot be held responsible if the images the student creates after the Course are not the ones he expected before starting. This situation hasn’t happened before, on the contrary, most students I have worked with have won awards and distinctions with their photography after working with me, but I have to mention this, also as a piece of advice for the student to work hard to realize his goals in photography.
By signing up/paying for a Julia Anna Gospodarou Fine Art Photography Architecture Workshop/Course/Activity you agree with the terms and conditions in this document.
The present terms and conditions may be subject to change without notice.
Founder of (en)Visionography™ and creator of Photography Drawing™, internationally acclaimed fine art photographer, Master architect, educator, and best-selling author, with 25+ years experience in photography and architecture, Julia Anna Gospodarou is a leader in modern fine art photography who shaped with her work the way architecture fine art photography looks today.
Awarded more than 100 times in the most important photography competitions worldwide, two-time International Photography Awards IPA Photographer of the Year, World Photography Awards SWPA, and Hasselblad Masters Finalist, her work was widely exhibited and published internationally.
With a passion for the world’s civilizations and speaking five languages, Julia was always in the avant-garde of thinking as an architect and a photographer, constantly pushing the limits of what is possible, constantly reinventing herself as an artist and an individual. Her huge love for travel and discoveries and her passion for teaching, art, and photography led her to become in the past one and a half decades one of the world’s top-rated fine art photography educators and workshop organizers.